Thursday, May 5, 2011

Random Ramblings

Been awhile since I've had anything to talk about. I've been busy enjoying life with my girlfriend (and her trip of a 5-year-old) as well as drawin' shit. I've gone back to drawing superheroes a lot, for some reason, using mostly ball point pens.

Why pens? Why superheroes? No idea, really. To answer the pen question, I think it has something to do with how permanent pen is; I might start a drawing that has anatomy, proportion or perspective mistakes, but I have to live with it in pen and learn from my mistakes, in a way. Pen is also easier to layer and make darker without getting it all over your hand and the rest of the piece like you do with pencil.

Anyways... part of the drawing thing is that I want to do something incredibly geeky leading up to a certain Emerald Superhero's movie release, a countdown to be posted here. So there's that. The other part is that I have a weird divide in my talents: if I'm in drawing mode, I'm not in writing mode. I've tried; I had two unfinished articles from the past couple months that just didn't click. It's a bitch. But I should be checking in over the weekend with a Thor review, so look for that.

Until then, smoke 'em if ya got 'em and Enjoy the Ride.


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