Thursday, March 3, 2011

Anarchy In The US

So. Ohio Senate Bill 5 is on its way into becoming law. It's going to fuck over a great many people here in Ohio, and if other states follow suit, the agenda that our owners have against the middle class could conceivably succeed.

I won't get into why this is bullshit and how unfair it is. But I will say I'm having a hard time feeling bad.

Many of the unions who now stand to lose their collective bargaining rights were the ones who got him elected in the first place. Unions are political machines. They mobilize their members into voting one way or another, within their own organizations, of course, but if you belong to a union, let me ask: when was the last time a big election came along and you weren't inundated with flyers in the mail, phone calls or both? It's like that South Park episode: they don't care if you vote; they just care that you vote for who and what they want you to vote for.

So I'm having trouble not being indifferent to our plight. It almost seems as though our chickens have come home to roost. Or maybe I should say your chickens?
I don't vote. I've never believed my vote makes any sort of difference at a city, state, or federal level, and even if I thought it could, I prefer not to participate in corruption. The system is broken, and voting isn't going to fix it. Voting is contributing to the problem by electing officials who don't give a fuck about the average guy or gal. You're encouraging the bastards.

So what would be better?
I wish I knew an answer. I truly wish it wasn't like this, but think about it. Roughly half of congress are millionaires. They don't care about their constituents, which is why these pricks continue their agenda against the middle class by making all of us poorer. That's not the way it should be.

You know what gives me comfort? Entropy.
These rich fucks getting richer while they screw us over? Their chickens are comin' home, eventually. They're running the economy into the ground, and when the economy collapses, all their millions will mean nothing. And yeah, for those of us former middle class people, socioeconomic collapse will suck very bad, but I'll be holding onto that thought if I'm unfortunate enough to live through it. They'll be boned, too. See? I'm a closet optimist.

All right, enough for now. I think I need to have a geeky topic next to cleanse all our pallets of this gloom and doom and social commentary horseshit. Til next time, kids.


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