Thursday, November 29, 2012

An Introduction, With Apprehension

The thought only occurred to me today that I could conceivably publish my novels, or each volume, in serials on this very site. I'm still not certain I want to do this; while I consider myself someone who takes (constructive) criticism well, if a little begrudgingly, self-doubt is wheeling around my head like some sort of impish, nagging apparition of angel and devil.

This story, in its many incarnations, has been with me for quite some time now. I have an idea for how it ends, but I've no idea when it ends, or what sort of undiscovered horrors may surface or resurface as the tale moves toward its end. I feel like it's time that I did something with this, simply because it has been so near and dear to me for so long, and the task has truly been enjoyable, if frustrating at times, as it has gone through variations and permutations to become what you will see in the days to come.

Allow me to address the character of Chris Bailey for a moment: In real life, Chris has been my best friend for the better part of twenty years. When ideas began to spring up in our teens, even before these characters came about, Chris was there. When this world that has evolved as I grew up was created, initially, the star of it was named Chris Bailey. While Chris the character still shares many traits with his real-life counterpart, believe me when I say that he's more of an homage to Chris than anything, and the character being named after my very close friend is for two main reasons: "Chris Bailey" is a pretty common name, but not something you hear all the time, which I think has a nice ring to it. Second, Chris has been with me and this story from the beginning, and I wouldn't feel quite right not giving him some sort of credit, and a "thanks, dawg!" just wouldn't be enough. His fictional counterpart is as important to this story and its telling as real-life Chris has been in its creation, inception, and just being honest with me when he thinks my ideas are dumb.

So what I'm really trying to say is, I hope you enjoy the nonsense that is about to be unleashed from my brain with Chris' help. And if you have any complaints or criticisms to offer:

It was Chris' idea.

Be here tomorrow for the first excerpt.

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